Thursday, July 2, 2009

there might be boxes

Did you ever play in boxes as a child? The creativity running wild and the risk of cutting yourself? You'd get out the markers and construction paper and glue and make something out of nothing. It was like magic!

My girls and their cousin and I made a playhouse and a doll house out of boxes today. What a fun way to spend a cool July day. Too cold for the pool and to nice to stay inside. Ah, summer in Wisconsin.

We recently installed a new bathtub and the box makes a great hide away. We cut a door and windows and the girls colored it. It fits perfectly on their climber in the backyard.

The two older girls made a dollhouse out of diaper boxes. They even made closets, a fireplace, and a bed.

I, of course, managed the box cutter. I was amazed at their ingenuity! Can you think of a better way to entertain children than to give them some boxes and let their imaginations run?