Tuesday, October 28, 2008

there ought to be cake

What would the world be like without cake? Fairly boring I am sure. And where there is cake, there ought to be mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes so why not cake makers? And to celebrate these cullinary disasters there is cakewrecks.blogspot.com. Go there now. Check it out and be prepared to be amused, shocked, and amazed. Some of the cakes aren't even wrecks. Actually they are pretty amazing.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate cakes. My step-father used to make wedding cakes and I appreciate the amount of work that goes into them. But really, sometimes people need a good dose of common sense. When a person wants a cake with "Olympic Rings" on it, they don't want a cake that reads "(Olympic Rings)". Seriously people. If you can't read the cake order and comprehend it you are NOT right for the job.

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